Study without Abitur
You don't have an Abitur but would like to start studying? Then you've come to the right place!
We offer you the opportunity to obtain the so-called university entrance qualification (HZB) during the first six semesters of your study programme.
In addition, there is a whole range of alternatives to the Abitur with which you can obtain an HZB. When you register, we will check whether one of these options applies to you and whether you already have an HZB when you start your studies.
In the following, we offer you a brief overview of your options. We will also be happy to advise you further. Just get in touch with us!
Subject-related university entrance qualification
1. University Entrance Examination
In order to be admitted to a specific degree programme, you can take a university entrance examination. The higher education entrance qualification obtained by passing the examination is valid for an unlimited period of time and is subject-specific.
Usually, you must have passed the university entrance examination before beginning your studies. The IBWL Bachelor's programme enables you to acquire the prerequisites within the first semester and take the examination parallel to your studies. The degree programme itself counts as continuing education, which allows you to gain the prerequisite hours.
You must meet the following requirements to register for the examination:
- at least 2 years of completed vocational training
- at least 2 years of full-time professional activity in a field related to the intended studies, or
- further education of at least 400 hours in a related field
For the field of study Economics, the → examination is taken centrally for all Hessian universities at the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt. The examination consists of two parts - an oral examination of approx. 1 hour and a written examination of approx. 2-4 hours. The examination is subject to a fee, currently the examination fee is 200,-€.
→ Further information on the university entrance examination in Economics can be found on the website of the sponsoring university for the field of study. You can find the documents for the exam registration → here.
2. Model Project Hessen - ways to access higher education for vocationally qualified persons.
Hessen enables vocationally qualified persons who meet certain requirements to study at a Hessian university of applied sciences without taking an additional examination. The prerequisites are:
- Secondary school leaving certificate
- Completed vocational training of at least 3 years (after 1 January 2011)
- Final grade of at least 2.5
To participate in the model project, you must conclude a study contract with which you agree, among other things, to the scientific evaluation of the project.
General university entrance qualification
3. High school diploma or specialised baccalaureate
By far the majority of students obtain their HZB through their school education. Depending on the degree, you will receive a general university entrance qualification (Abitur) or a university of applied sciences entrance qualification (Fachabitur).
For the IBWL Bachelor's degree programme, you are entitled to use both options. You will find information on which entrance qualification you have acquired on your certificate.
4. Completed master craftsman's examination or comparable qualification.
Passing the master craftsman's examination or a qualification equivalent to the master craftsman's examination entitles you to study all subjects at Hessian universities. This gives you a general higher education entrance qualification for an unlimited period of time.
Qualifications equivalent to the master craftsman's examination are e.g.
- Further training courses which comply with certain examination regulations and comprise at least 400 hours of instruction.
- Degrees of comparable further and continuing training regulations under federal law, such as tax advisers, auditors and certified public accountants.
- Qualifications from technical colleges, such as state-certified business economist (staatl. geprüfter Betriebswirt/ staatl. geprüfte Betriebswirtin).
Further information on this can be found in § 54 para. 2 HHG/§ 1 para. 1 of the → Ordinance on the Access of Vocationally Qualified Persons to Universities in Hessen.
Further information and links
* Further information can be found at:
→ Admission HZB Frankfurt University of applied Sciences
→ University Entrance Qualification State of Hesse
IBWL Bachelor
IBWL Master
Information and application
Emanuela Cirella
Contact form and information